
Review: Deadpool: Paws

Deadpool: Paws
Deadpool: Paws by Stefan Petrucha
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This was so awesome! I absolutely adored the Deadpool movie and didn’t think anything could top it but oh my gosh… I’d have to say this production came sooo close…
At first I was so thrown by the premise of the book… monster puppies just seems somehow… wrong! But it turned into such a fun ride! The voice actors were all awesome and the dude voicing Deadpool was spot-on!
I would definitely recommend this to any Marvel fans

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Review: Fellside

Fellside by M.R. Carey
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I really shouldn’t have too high expectations of authors when I’ve loved something by them before… Even so, this book was really good, just not really something that I ever would have read.
I started reading blind, without even bothering to read the description, because I absolutely loved The Girl With all the Gifts. I was lost for a good long time, not able to figure out what the hell was going on, just knowing that it was completely different than what I expected… but not bad, so I kept reading.
A lot of the things that happened in this book didn’t make sense, and the procedures followed etc I’m sure is not correct… but hey, there’s something called creative licence so I try not to get too stuck up on it.
One thing that did bug me is all the characters. There were just too many of them! Carey also took the time to flesh out some characters, going into their backstory and psychology, just to kinda leave them behind… only mentioned again in passing.
Basically, the beginning of the book had me lost, the middle had me reading just because I was already invested and wanted to see where it would go, the climax was exciting but insane and nonsensical, and the ending was kind of disappointing… but also not really…
M.R. Carey really knows how to write though and at the end of the day, this was fantasy, so even though it’s nonsensical and definitely not something I’d usually read or that I’d ever read again, I’m still rating it 4 stars.

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Review: The Only Child

The Only Child
The Only Child by Guojing
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The artwork is beautiful and even with no words the story is clear and heart-wrenching.
I grew up with 4 sisters and in my memory it was horrible, but now I have one child of my own and this book just really made me realize how important peer companionship is when you’re growing up… oh well, I guess creche will have to make up for a lack of brothers and sisters.

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